JUST BREATHE: Molenbergnatie joins in World Environment Day on June 5th
Breathing, it is the first and last thing we do and thus the very essence of life itself. But to be able to breathe, we need air, preferably of the very best quality. However, due to growing pollution, air quality is decreasing rapidly. With some staggering results:
· 92% of people worldwide do not breathe clean air
· Air pollution costs the global economy $5 trillion every year in welfare costs
· Ground-level ozone pollution is expected to reduce staple crop yields by 26% by 2030
Reason enough for the United Nations to devote their annual World Environment Day on June 5th to this theme. Under the motto #battlingairpollution, over 100 countries participated in raising awareness on air pollution and how to beat it.
At Molenbergnatie protecting the environment is particularly dear to our hearts – it is no coincidence our logo colour is green – so of course we joined in with our own initiatives!
Molenbergnatie Barcelona
Our offices in Spain decided to treat its entire staff to organically and locally grown fruit for the day. This to highlight that avoiding pesticides and high transportation costs contribute to fighting pollution.
Molenbergnatie Antwerp
In Belgium, Molenbergnatie had its workforce fill in a questionnaire ahead of June 5th, to reflect on which individual and common initiatives could be taken to combat air pollution. Over 80% of employees contributed and came up with ideas they put into practice on World Environment Day itself. As transport is a major contributor to air pollution, many chose to either work from home that day or opt for alternative ways to commute, such as carpooling, biking or public transport.
The rest of the year too, Molenbergnatie Antwerp is taking action to support sustainability and promote environmentally sound behaviour, by:
· Supplying all staff with re-usable water bottles
· Switching to LED lighting and motion sensors in all warehouses
· Continuous innovation of transport fleet to limit emissions
· Replacing diesel forklifts with LPG and electric ones
· Changing to electric cars for operational use, where possible
Do you want to join the worldwide movement in beating pollution? Or do you want more information on how air pollution affects your life? Go to: